Frequently asked questions
Every time you book a parcel for the delivery, automatically you will receive a reference number by which you will be able to track your parcel and check the order details.
You can do this two ways. First use the option Send a parcel and type in all the necessary details or open the account and go to Booking request option.
We will collect the parcel from the nominated pick up place set in Booking request form.
We can also arrange the collection from any other place as long as the changing details will be provided in advance.
If you need to cancel the collection, please let us know at least a day before the actual arrangement.
You can easily arrange the collection or deliveries of multiple parcels, so to be able to do so, please contact us directly for making the appropriate arrangement.
You can have your parcel collected at any time or even being more precise, at the exact time set it up by you. For all other necessary details or requests please contact us and we will arrange it the way you would like us to do.
We also provide the service for local movement of goods but terms and conditions need to be discussed face to face in order to make such arrangements.
If you need an international courier service, we are willing to help you. Contact us by email or phone and we will discuss the best possible way of moving your goods overseas.
Having your parcel fully tracked, you will be able to check the exact courier location on the map, updated every 5 minutes after website refresh, also will receive the estimated time of the delivery. Besides within 1 hour before the destination, a customer will receive a text message notification of parcel on its way within that timing slot.